
FM Logistic expands its Illescas warehouse with two new modules

FM Logistic, a leader in warehousing and logistics services, is expanding its warehouse in Illescas by adding two new modules, B9 and B10. This extension totals 18,000m2, distributed…

On February 13, 2024

FM Logistic, a leader in warehousing and logistics services, is expanding its warehouse in Illescas by adding two new modules, B9 and B10. This extension totals 18,000m2, distributed in 8,000m2 for module B9 and 10,000m2 for B10, in addition to new offices of 660m2 for its employees.

Module B10 is fully occupied by one of its clients, while B9 is ready to receive a new client in the coming months. Álvaro Íñiguez, Operations Director of FM Logistic Illescas, underlines this growth when he states: “We are experiencing a vertiginous increase in demand and number of clients, which has led us to start building two more new modules and other new offices that will be ready soon“.

All modules of the Illescas platform are LEED Gold certified, guaranteeing sustainable and efficient practices in all operations. This certification highlights FM Logistic’s commitment to sustainability and reflects tangible benefits for its customers. Álvaro Íñiguez adds: “Our commitment to sustainable growth is reflected not only in our facilities but also in the growth of our team“.

In addition, from a technical point of view, a significant improvement has been made to the B9 and B10 modules with the NEMO project:The network topology has been changed from ring to star, the fibre has been changed from multimode to singlemode and the WIFI antenna model has been updated. These upgrades provide a much more secure, flexible and efficient data network, further strengthening FM Logistic’s infrastructure to meet the demands of its customers,” explains Cándido Macías, director of IT and Innovation at FM Logistic Ibérica.

Strategically located, Illescas stands out for its excellent location and road connections, making it a key choice for logistics and transport throughout the Iberian Peninsula. Álvaro Íñiguez emphasises: “We adapt to the demands of our customers, and it is this flexibility that sets us apart. Our customers trust us and we continue to grow in response to their needs“. With this expansion and a priority focus on quality and sustainability, FM Logistic reaffirms its position as a reliable logistics partner in constant growth and evolution.

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